We empower young people to develop the life skills needed for their future and support their mental, emotional and physical health.

Our Programmes Include:

Lean on Me - Mentoring


The Lean on Me Project is a targeted one-to-one mentoring scheme. We build relationships with the children and young people allowing us to support their mental and emotional health and wellbeing, build their confidence and self-esteem, challenge their behaviours and attitudes and aid them in progressing educationally and socially.


Mentoring sessions are normally weekly, but can be more or less frequent depending on need. Sessions happen both on site at St Marks and offsite engaging in a wide variety of activities, initially centred around the interests of the young person.

Activities include: cooking, boxing, badminton, visiting different areas around London eg The South Bank and Borough Market, critical thinking tasks etc. When needed sessions can be tailored to support young people develop their CV, apply for College, attend Open Days and other appointments.


Mentoring has proven to be a hugely powerful tool in empowering young people to re-engage with education, boosting their confidence and self-esteem, and positively transitioning from year 6 to year 7. Over the last 3 years, at least 75% of young people who have completed their mentoring have achieved a positive outcome!

LEARN2LIVE - Life Skills Project


Learn2Live is our main Alternative Provision project aimed at developing life skills in young people excluded from mainstream education. We deliver 2 half day workshops, one on-site and one off-site using team challenges, critical thinking tasks, sport, drama, PSHE, current affairs etc to encourage development and learning.

Food is a vital part of day 1, the young people are split into pairs or individually and with the help of staff cook at least 3 dishes to make a lunch for the whole group, which we then sit and eat together.

Our approach is therapeutic, with the building of supportive relationships central to this. We do everything to make the young people feel safe and at home, allowing them to fully engage in the sessions and benefit more as a result.


We currently deliver Learn2Live on a Thursday and Friday 10.00 - 2.00. Thursday on-site in the crypt of St Marks Church, Friday off-site at various sports venues around London (we always meet together at Future Skills before travelling together).


When a young person is excluded from school that immediately reduces the opportunities that young person has and can negatively impact their self confidence. We want to encourage them and help them develop many of the skills and attitudes that will enable them to succeed in the world of further education and employment and to not be defined by past mistakes.

Employers are looking for young people with good communication skills, the ability to problem solve and work in a team, a positive hard working attitude and leadership skills. We want to help our young people to start the journey of developing those vital skills.

Learn N Empower


Our main collaborative project is our Alternative Provision partnership with Harrison Allen tuition service. We offer a combined package of tuition and mentoring for pupils who are struggling to maintain their school place, often supporting children and young people who have Special Educational Needs (SEN).

We offer a maximum of 15 hours per week allowing pupils to continue learning their core subjects while receiving targeted mentoring support that allows them to work through some of the challenges they are facing in school. The mentoring often involves cooking and sport, creating the environment for confidence to be built and for physical and mental health and well-being to be supported.

We also partner with Wandsworth Mediation Service to deliver a 5 or 6 week conflict resolution project for secondary aged children.


Both these projects are available for referrals throughout the year.


Working with like-minded organisations strengthens our effectiveness. Young people need a variety of opportunities and places they feel safe so they can develop into the best version of themselves. Being part of a wider network of support for young people is more powerful.

We value all the skills and expertise that our partners bring and its a joy to work with them all for the good of the young people we support.



At least once per year we take a group of our young people away for a few days of challenging and fun activities in a totally different environment to what they are used to.

We have been to: Llanrwst in North Wales with Horizon Expeditions; Avon Tyrrell in the New Forest; Bewl Water in Kent; sailing round the South Coast with the Island Trust; Swanage with Allnat Outdoors and to East Shallowford Farm with Providence House, Carneys and FAST.


Normally for one week during the summer holidays, but we have been away during February half term.


Because it provides an opportunity for the lives of our young people to be impacted in a very deep way over a short period of time. Many young people return having had new experiences, their confidence boosted, and seeing themselves and others in a completely different light.